13SR Brutality continues to apply FISTS TO THE NECK (FITN) to listeners around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's a non-stop Wall of Death. It's a virtual Circle Pit About To Happen...
We've added over a thousand new bands into the system, from the old school to the best up and comers. We'd love to hear your suggestions for bands that belong to break necks (and ear drums) on the 13SR Brutality Channel. Just hit up our Facebook page, and show us what you got!
The latest tracks can be found HERE. You can even embed the Brutality plater on your website or blog just by visiting this link! Want to make your website pound with the best in badass brutal radio, use our Radionomy tool to embed and share us. Help spread the #METAL \m/
13SRadio.Com has upped the ante in their continued march towards internet metal-radio world domination, adding an array of new channels to their website. 13SR Brutality is the heaviest of the heavy, the ten trillion ton hammer of badass growls, gut-wrenching double bass, and lyrical content so disturbing that even Satan gets offended at times.
13SR. Completely Innappropriate. Totally Fucking Awesome.
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